Saturday, March 15, 2008

Carbon Neutral Search Engine

The Carbon Neutral Search Engine was developed to help offset the emissions caused by the use of search queries. Another goal is to reduce the increasing emissions through energy saving, reforestation and renewable technologies. Lastly, the carbon offset is a thank you for using the search engine.

The developers of the Carb0n Neutral SE have calculated that the average search query emits a fraction of a gram (UK users). You include the accompanying computer usage; 17.57g (UK users) of carbon are emitted,

The Carbon Neutral Search Engine, using Climate Care and Carbon Fund, will offset each search query by a minimum of 300g, which is beyond the most CO2 that could be generated, regardless of energy source.

Climate Care, a leading U.K. carbon offsetting company, has offset a total of 1m tons since they were founded in 1998. They continue to grow through partnerships with leading international brands.

Carbon Fund is also a leading US non profit carbon offsetting company, offsetting over 1m tonnes from 400 companies and 100,000 individuals.

View the Carbon Neutral Search Engine home page for the exact emissions offset to date.

Climate Care and the Carbon Fund provides the offsetting services, mainly in developing nations to provide real reductions in global carbon dioxide levels. Their projects can also bring a wide range of other benefits to local communities, such as poverty alleviation, health benefits and increased biodiversity. For more information on the projects Climate Care and Carbon Fund are carrying out, visit their websites.

Depending on the growth of the Carbon Neutral Search Engine, they plan to develop small more renewable energy projects within the United Kingdom. Carbon Neutral Search Engine was developed to highlight the need to reduce our reliance on earth's natural resources and reduce our carbon footprint.

They have now officially lauched the testing stage of the Carbon Neutral Search Plug-in for Firefox 2.0+ and Internet Explorer 7.0, Please bookmark the home page or download the new search plugin for FireFox and IE.

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