Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bits 'n Pieces of Environmental News

Click to Read American Rivers Update for week of November 12, 2007.

Senate leaders are currently negotiating a compromise energy bill that would sell out clean energy and include huge subsidies for ethanol and nuclear power. In exchange, we would get the promise of modest increases in automobile fuel efficiency standards, if environmentalists in the Senate can get a majority to stand up and hold the line.

This is unacceptable. And given the Senate's track record in the last few weeks, we have little confidence that the leadership will not cave to the Bush administration yet again.

Click here to take action

The 2008 presidential election provides a great opportunity to ask the candidates questions about global warming, nuclear weapons, censorship of government science—anything that you are concerned about. This is your chance to educate and engage the candidates and other voters on the issues you care about most!

There are many ways to express your views. You can attend candidate events, advocate for policy solutions to be included in the party platforms, ask convention delegates or other local elected officials to communicate your views to the candidates, let candidate staff and volunteers know your views when they contact you, or you can write letters to your local paper.

For more information, click here to visit the website of Union of Concerned Scientists.

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