BlogBlast For Peace
November 7, 2007
November 7, 2007
Click here to grab a globe, decorate and post it on your blog. Start thinking about what you will write on November 7, 2007. If you wish, just post your globe in a blog post on that day. Title your blog post: Dona Nobis Pacem. That way the Peace blogs are all tied together for one day.
In June 2007, bloggers from 35 countries and 45 states were Peace Bloggers. Spread the word.
Thank you so much for mentioning Peace Globes. What a wonderful post. We look forward to reading your post on November 7th.
South Korea checked in this morning. Awesome!
Oh YEAH! I had so much fun doing the "Blog Action Day"! "Peace Globes Day" Novemebr 7, 2007 sounds awesome SO THANKS! I am looking forward to particioating and reading your blog regularly! Good Stuff, HAVE A GREEN DAY!
@mimi-You are more than welcome. I am glad I saw your post in the blogging chicks carnival. That is why I love carnivals!
@houseonahill-thanks for stopping by. If you do nothing else, please post a peace globe on your blog on that day.
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