Monday, March 12, 2012

More Poison for Our Children

Exposure to chemicals in the environment can significantly affect the developing brain and central nervous system of a child. The exposure can lower IQ, alter behavior and influence social relationships.

Lead, organophosphate pesticides and methylmercury are common in the environment. They may affect the IQ and the health of our children. They pass the brain-blood barrier and may be passed from mother to fetus or breastfeeding infant.


Lead occurs naturally in our environment; however, mining, burning fossil fuels and manufacturing has spread lead far and wide. Once a key ingredient in paint and gasoline, lead is still used in batteries, solder, pipes, pottery, roofing materials and some cosmetics.

Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development.

Signs of lead poisoning in children may include:
  • Vomiting,
  • Irritability,
  • Weight loss,
  • Constipation,
  • Abdominal pain,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Learning difficulties,and
  • Sluggishness and fatigue,
Babies who are exposed to lead before birth may experience:
  • Learning difficulties
  • Slowed growth

Power plants in America emitted 134,365 pounds of mercury pollution in 2009, according to an Environment America report, ‘Dirty Energy’s Assault on Our Health: Mercury.’ 

The power plants in Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia are responsible for at least 35 percent of mercury pollution from power plants in the USA. 

Mercury is everywhere in our environment and it may be a major contributing factor to the increase in developmental disorders. 

These disorders include Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Pervasive Development Disorder and Asperger’s syndrome, to name common disorders.

Visible symptoms of mercury poisoning

  • Lack of concentration,
  • Decreased eye contact,
  • Unresponsive to their name,
  • Sensitive to sensory stimulation, and 
  • Repeating certain actions over and over.

Problems in language and speech acquisition related to mercury poisoning

  • Loss or delay of speech,
  • Difficulty in memorizing, and
  • Difficulty in understanding and using language.

Social problems can be attributed to mercury poisoning

  • Irritability,
  • Withdrawal,
  • Mood swings,
  • Night terrors,
  • Sleep problems, and
  • Aggressive behavior.

Other problems associated with mercury poisoning

  • Asthma,
  • Multiple sclerosis,
  • Juvenile diabetes,
  • Decreased immunity, and
  • Chronic ear infections.

Sound familiar? There has been a marked increase in development disorders as well as generational losses of IQ.

Organophosphate Pesticides

According to National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Some chemicals, pollutants, foods, and other behavioral changes that may have minimal adverse effects in adults, may impact a developing fetus and have long-lasting effects on a child’s health even into adulthood. This is sometimes referred to as the fetal basis of adult disease or windows of susceptibility.

Organophosphate pesticides affect the nervous system by disrupting the enzyme that regulates acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Organophosphates are found in bug sprays, but they also can be ingested through fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed with these chemicals. They can be spread from the ground to mouth in certain pesticide-drenched areas (such as the Texas/Mexican border).

Research suggests that early childhood exposure to certain organophosphates can lead to lasting effects on learning, attention, and behavior -- just like lead.  Three studies correlate prebirth exposure to pesticides and lower intelligence scores in children.  When it comes to pesticides and ADHD, organophosphates are commonly seen as the culprit.

What is frightening is that all these products are still in use around pregnant women, infants and children.  We talk of the USA falling behind other countries in math and science scores. This may be part of the problem.  Moreover, with the upswing in the number of autism-like diseases, ADHD, speech and language delays, and CNS disease, it seems almost criminal that we would allow the use of these products to continue.

What To Do

Write the President and your Congressman. Write letters to the editor to all local newspapers. Discuss this issue with your neighbors, members of your church and the PTA. Blog it, podcast it, made a YouTube movie about it.  What to do?  Whatever it takes!

Selected Sources


Frreedom from Worldliness & Fear said...

Food poisoning, also known as gastroenteritis (what the doctor would diagnose you with), is much more common and much more serious than the general population realizes.

Most food poisonings fall into one of two categories. The first is food intoxication, where a chemical or natural toxin (often produced as a by-product of bacteria present in the food) causes illness. The second is food infection, where the microorganism itself grows inside your body and is the source or your symptoms or cause of illness. Most food poisonings are actually food infections. (To read more on the differences click on www.Food_Poisoning_Infection_vs_Intoxication)


Anonymous said...

Its really alarming that even toys can be a source of poisoning. I hope there can be ways that we can easily identified those poisonous ones. Thanks for further information.

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