Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Do YOU Approve of Chemicals in Your Home?

The millions of dollars the American Chemistry Council (ACC) spent on lobbying and political campaign contributions apparently paid off for them.

Eleventh-hour lobbying last week by the American Chemistry Council prevented a proposed ban on bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles from even being considered by the U.S. Senate.

bisphenol A (BPA), toxic at low doses, has been linked to obesity, prostate cancer, breast cancer and early puberty in girls.

Some of our Senators still need to be convinced that getting BPA out of baby food and infant formula is an urgent food safety issue that MUST be addressed. Recent research shows the timing of exposure may be especially critical, especially during gestation, childhood and pregnancy.

Household Chemicals Linked to Early Puberty, Infertility - read this article on WEB MD.

Shortcuts to recent important studies added to www.OurStolenFuture.org.

Consumer Affairs - chemicals found in mother's milk.

High exposure to BPA Linked to Low Sperm Count on ABC Health News.

Previous posts on chemicals on EndangeredSpaces blog.

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