Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oil Rig Explosion and Oil Slick in Gulf

Photograph from BBC

An oil rig was exploring for oil just 52 miles southeast of Venice, Louisiana. On Tuesday, an explosion, cause unknown, set the rig on fire. Despite efforts to control the flames, the rig sank after burning for 36 hours. Eleven workers are still missing and presumed dead.

Photograph from Eight Coast Guard District website

According to Coastguard Petty Officer Katherine McNamara, the submerged well may be releasing up to 8,000 barrels (300,000 gallons) of crude oil per day. An oil slick one mile by five miles appeared on the surface of the water.

Since 2001, there have been 858 fires and explosions in the Gulf, according to the federal Minerals Management Service.


Irma Garrish said...

Great snaps..
Thank you so much for sharing with us

agreenearth said...

Your photos are magnificent but what a distressing happening.

We are hearing all about it with great concern in Australia.

I feel so upset every time more details are given.

I pray they find a fast way to contain the oil.