Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oil Spill in Texas

A tanker ship loaded with oil containing sulfide, collided with two barges, spilling about 450,000 gallons of crude. This happened in Port of Port Arthur, Texas, on the state line between Texas and Louisiana.

The Coast Guard deployed 4,000 feet of boom, four 25-foot boats and other vessels for cleanup. Supposedly, the oil spill has been contained.

Wind farms, solar panels and geothermal energy sources are non-polluting. Why we still fueling our energy needs with petroleum-based products?


SANDY said...

Good question, one that needs answered. It seems we, as a society are slow to learn. Thanks for the post, it's a good one. I hadn't heard this in the news so appreciate learning about it.


Rimmy Parker said...

This is very bad news i listened. As you know that Oil is a very big topic.

Kate said...

oil is too pollutive for environment.

Mimi Lenox said...

VERY good question indeed.

FYI: Although it has taken me a while to get around to everyone, I always love your peace globe posts. This year was no different. I did not know about the unilateral peace prayer. Thank you for placing the links to read. Inspiring.

Your beautiful peace globe with the King inspiration is #1642 in the Official Gallery and will post February 21, 2010.

Thank you for blogging for peace.
Eloquent, as always.


john said...

Although it has taken me a while to get around to everyone, I always love your peace globe posts.

Jenny said...

If we use more renewable fuel like M85 in flexible fueled vehicles we would have less oil spills in general.. also if we produced oil locally we would not have to ship as far by any vehicle, therefore reducing the chance of a spill.
Thanks for bringing up this issue though;