Thursday, December 20, 2007

Support Defenders of the Environment

The end of polar bears in the wildDo Not Let the Polar Bears Become a Thing of the Past

The fate of the imperiled polar bear will be decided by the Bush Administration within the next 21 days! Once that decision is made, defenders of the environment, like NRDC and Environmental Defense, will go to court. Donate $1 or $5, whatever you may have. If not, this generation will be held to answer for the disappearance of the polar bears.


The National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) must be ready to take immediate legal action on behalf of the polar bear survival. If you care, please make an emergency holiday donation right now.

Members of Environmental Defense, called global warming challengers, encourage you to support Environmental Defense by matching your year end gift dollar-for-dollar. The global warming challengers are people just like you that care about stopping global warming. Donate now to double your year-end gift.

Take Action!

  • Last week, a key Senate committee passed the Climate Security Act, a bill that would cap and reduce America's global warming pollution.
  • Two days ago, a Federal judge in California ruled for implementing global warming pollution standards for automobiles by rejecting an attempt by automakers to thwart state laws.
  • Moments ago, the Environmental Protection Agency denied California's waiver request to cut global warming pollution from automobiles. Seventeen other states plan to implement similar programs.
  • The action of the EPA today slashes the rights of states to fight global warming and protect our environment.
  • Send an email to EPA administrator Stephen Johnson right now condemning this decision.

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