PETA will help you to release your pent up anger and aggression. Visit the
PETA snow globe site and let it all hang out. Choose a PETA bad guy, like Colonel Sanders, Mary Kate and Ashley, Anna Wintour, Kate Moss, Michael Vick or Dick Cheney, and stick them in a snow globe. Grab the globe with your mouse and shake it all about. Send the ecard to your friends.
Go on, you know you want to.
Lol, That was fun and stress relieving! Thanks for sharing this one. Awesome way to vent and let out your frustrations! :)
@Aurelius Tjin-Almost as good as the LOLcats!
lol!! Just found another fun time-killer. There was also another one that involved feeding paris hilton until she exploded. A little more gruesome but fun nonetheless
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