Friday, August 24, 2007

Biodiesel Troubles in Texas

We purchased a used diesel truck today. I was so excited because it gets 2x the mileage of our current van. I planned to buy a diesel so that we could use biodiesel. Then, tonight, I see this article:

Concerns over air quality could sink biodiesel sales in Texas - Austin Business Journal
Biodiesel's NOx emissions came to the forefront Nov. 1, 2005, after TCEQ issued a rule for its Texas Low Emission Diesel program, or TxLED. The TxLED rule mandated, in part, reformulated diesel fuels that are less polluting. TCEQ in a subsequent clarification indicated biodiesel wasn't compliant with TxLED
I will be keeping an eye on this issue. Texas is the ONLY state that has taken this action. If biofuel suppliers cannot convince TCEQ that their products do not emit more NOx emissions by 12/31/2007, the fuel will not be used in the eastern counties of Texas where air quality is poor.

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