Wednesday, April 25, 2007

If You Do Not Have Water to Drink ...

The fundamental safeguards for clean and healthy water in our streams, rivers and lakes are in jeopardy. A confusing 2006 Supreme Court decision concerning the Clean Water Act has left the fate of 60 percent of the nation’s stream miles in legal limbo.

Congress can resolve this problem by passing legislation to restore full federal protection for all our waters. Help to ensure that all of our nation’s waters are protected under the Clean Water Act. Urge your representative to co-sponsor the Clean Water Authority Restoration Act of 2007 today.

Take action here. Or, if you would rather write or call your duly elected official, check these two websites:


Anonymous said...

I find it wuite humorous that in the PA Game Commission's fishing guide all of the daily catch limits for every waterway in PA are higher than the safe eating limits. So you can catch them but don't eat them because none of the water is safe. Feel free to visit my blog at High Strangeness Altoona and my new blog at the Raven's Barrow.

CyberCelt said...

@patrick-unfortunately, it is becoming that way in most of our waterways. Runoff, pesticides, pollution. Keep up the good fight.

Anonymous said...

I believe this is such a strong issue that is taken for granted. I have seen what has happened in other third world countries and I believe that we don't realize how fortunate that we are.