Monday, April 16, 2007

Clean Water America : Take Action

Last month, the U.S House of Representatives passed the Water Quality Financing Act of 2007 (HR720) by a margin of 303 to 108. Now it is the time for the U.S Senate'to act. They must follow the lead of their colleagues in the House and "fast-track" their version of this critical legislation.

They, too, must pass legislation that addresses clean water funding by:
  • Authorizing the clean water state revolving fund (CWSRF) at $14 billion over 4 years (fiscal years 2008- 2011).
  • And by calling for a study of the funding mechanisms and sources available to establish a Clean Water Trust Fund.
If the Senate chooses not to act on this critical issue, America's communities will not be able to fully fund the clean water infrastructure repairs and upgrades needed to protect the Nation's water quality. Opportunities to create thousands of jobs will be lost and an opportunity to further protect the Nation from potential health threats will be lost.

Let Your Voice Be Heard...
Send A Message to Your Senators

The U.S. House of Representatives has acted; now the U.S. Senate must do the same!

Please send a message to your U.S. Senators TODAY and tell them it is time for them to join the fight to protect and improve America's water quality. It is important that your Senators hear from you about how critical clean and safe water is to you and your family. You can easily send them a message by clicking here now.

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